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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-08-15 21:09:35 |  访问:563



Open Ph.D. position within the Collaborative Research Center SFB-Transregio 353 "Regulation of decisions in cell death processes"?SFB-Transregio 353 "细胞死亡过程中的决策调控 "合作研究中心公开招聘博士职位

An excellent opportunity is available for a PhD position in a DFG-funded project on cell death and inflammatory signaling during intracellular infection. The Ebert Lab is dedicated to deciphering host-pathogen interactions related to cell death and inflammatory responses and identifying novel therapeutic targets. The project will investigate the relevance and role of some key cellular molecules in the decision-making of infected cells to survive or induce different cell death modalities and related inflammation. The PhD will investigate involved cellular processes using bacterial and viral in vitro and in vivo infection models. The studies will be performed under world-class equipped BSL-2 and BSL-3 conditions, applying state-of-the-art techniques including life cell and confocal imaging as well as (phospho-)proteomics, next to more classical approaches such as biochemical analysis and cytokine multiplexing.

Bitte geben Sie bei allen Anzeigen eine aussagekr?ftige Bezeichnung der Aufgabe, eine Beschreibung und durch Komma getrennte Keywords an. Die Bezeichnung 'Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter' ist nicht sinnvoll, da hier nicht erkenntlich ist um welches Fachgebiet bzw. um welche Aufgabe es geht. Eine Anleitung finden Sie in der Kurzanleitung für Stellenanzeigen und (ausführlicher) im Best Practice Manual Stellenanzeigen (pdf)

由德国科学基金会(DFG)资助的细胞死亡和细胞内感染过程中的炎症信号转导项目提供了一个绝佳的博士职位。埃伯特实验室致力于破译与细胞死亡和炎症反应有关的宿主-病原体相互作用,并确定新的治疗目标。该项目将研究一些关键细胞分子在受感染细胞存活或诱导不同细胞死亡方式及相关炎症决策中的相关性和作用。该博士项目将利用细菌和病毒的体外和体内感染模型研究相关的细胞过程。研究将在世界一流的 BSL-2 和 BSL-3 条件下进行,除了生化分析和细胞因子多重分析等传统方法外,还将应用生命细胞和共聚焦成像以及(磷酸)蛋白质组学等先进技术。

请在所有注释中注明相关内容的名称、简介以及通过 Komma 获取的关键词。Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter"("知识工作者")这个名称并不准确,因为它并不代表哪个领域,也不代表哪个职位。

有关说明请参见 Kurzanleitung für Stellenanzeigen 和 (ausführlicher) im Best Practice Manual Stellenanzeigen (pdf)

We are seeking a talented and highly motivated student with a university degree in natural or life sciences or medicine with knowledge of cell death mechanisms and preferably hands-on experience in cell culture and infection models. Experience in small animal handling and imaging is a plus. The PhD candidate is expected to be a pro-active and self-motivated team player, with excellent communication and organizational skills and the willingness to learn new and exciting experimental approaches is a must.

We offer a vibrant, international, multi-disciplinary, and highly collaborative research environment in a collegial and friendly working atmosphere. The lab is directly affiliated with the Institute of Virology, Technical University of Munich and the laboratories are located at the Helmholtz Munich Campus in Neuherberg. The PhD candidate will have extensive opportunities to broaden additional qualifications and skills through educational programs within the highly collaborative research center SFB-TRR353.

The position is available from 1 October 2023 and interested candidates should apply by sending a cover letter of motivation (including your previous research experiences and research interests), a CV, and at least two reference letters (or referees’ contact details) in a single document by email to gregor.ebert@tum.de Pre-application inquiries are encouraged and welcomed to be directed to: gregor.ebert@tum.de Data Protection Information: When you apply for a position with the Technical University of Munich (TUM), you are submitting personal information. With regard to personal information, please take note of the Datenschutzhinweise gem?? Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) zur Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung. (data protection information on collecting and processing personal data contained in your application in accordance with Art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)). By submitting your application, you confirm that you have acknowledged the above data protection information of TUM.



该职位从2023年10月1日开始招聘,有意者请将求职动机信(包括您以前的研究经历和研究兴趣)、个人简历和至少两封推荐信(或推荐人的详细联系方式)合并成一份文件,通过电子邮件发送至 gregor.ebert@tum.de

如需了解更多欧美PhD, Master等申请信息,可私信小窗或添加客服微信


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